2188656 Fridge Pan Crisper Whirlpool GENUINE Part

2188656 Upper Crisper

Suits Whirlpool Refrigerator model 6ED2FHKXVA01

We buy this part direct from the USA. That's why they are a little more expensive, but at least they are here! Companies advertising this part for under $100 do not have any. They are relying on Arisit (the importer of whirlpool parts in Australia) to get stock back. But Arisit have been out of stock for over six months now, and are likely NEVER going to have this part in stock again. They will tell you 6-8 weeks, because that's what they're programmed to say, but they've been saying that for many months. 

So, ours is a little more expensive, but it's genuine Whirlpool from the USA, and it's better than buying a whole new fridge. Thanks for your understanding.

Online Appliance Parts can supply a complete range of replacement parts for Whirlpool Appliances. If you are unsure whether this part is the correct one for your model, please email us. We're happy to help.

Alternate number:& 2188652 1648887

May be known by other part numbers including: 1648887, M1239916, M1239685

  • $119.90

  • Ex Tax: $109.00